About the Baltimore City LHIC

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The LHIC is a multi-sectoral convening body of stakeholders with a shared vision of positive health outcomes in Baltimore City. We have chosen to focus our efforts on three key priorities being Diabetes, Social Determinants of Health (SDOH), and Care Coordination. These three priorities also have workgroups assigned to them with members who specifically work on projects pertaining to those domains.

The Diabetes Workgroup is charged with developing a city-wide diabetes strategy for Baltimore City residents. This strategy will focus on pre-diabetes screening, prevention, early intervention, and self-management techniques such as promoting healthy eating habits, physical activity, and smoking cessation. This work also involves understanding the epidemiology of diabetes, examining gaps in service delivery, identifying priorities and recommendations for action, and engaging community stakeholders to support implementation of those recommendations.

The Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) Workgroup aims to improve quality of life and health outcomes of Baltimore City residents by addressing social factors that have implications beyond just clinical healthcare settings.

The Care Coordination Workgroup is focused on developing a strategic, integrated approach to care coordination in Baltimore City. This involves creating a common language and understanding of what care coordination is and why it matters along with identifying key stakeholders and leadership that can be utilized to move this work forward. The goal is to develop a closed loop, seamless approach, and set of protocols that can be used to guide future collaborations between community organizations and healthcare systems that will ultimately benefit residents in need of holistic assistance.